Wednesday, September 5, 2012

She wasn't born anorexic

So this is my life. Almost every day when someone comes home I have to run and check the toilet so they won't see what I've done.. I've been throwing up more these few days because I've been binging more. School has been really stressfull and we've gotten all these assignments that basically take all my freetime. Things are going I'd almost say great with that guy I simply decided to just be friends with. Sometimes I can't help thinking like omg he looks so cute today or something like that but that's okay and I've felt so much better not stressing about him as much as I used to. Today I got 95/100 out of my english essay :) I love my english teacher, she's so encouraging and positive all the time. I've tried to treat my scars on my wrists so they'd heal quickly and they have actually. Might be able to wear something else than just long sleeved shirts in no time. Yesterday I thought that I put on like 5 pounds but turns out I actually lost a pound! I'm so tired I sleep in classes and I wish I could just leave all this behind. Everything.. How can I be cold when I'm still so gross and fat? Englishrose, thank you so much for the support you're giving me :) love u sis<3 Ja Milla kiitos myös sulle tuesta ja toivon että oot myös multa sitä saanu :)  Stay strong everybody!

 They barely show anymore

She wasn't born anorexic, but nowadays she suffers,
staring at these half-naked stars on magazine covers.
feeling pressured by the public.
She only weighs 90 pounds but still sucks in her stomach.
On the inside she's dieing, lying to herself, thinking:
- 5 more pounds won't jeopardize my health.
One day she might just collapse, she can't avoid it.
Too many sleepless nights spent bent over a toilet.
Spewing vomit, like she was an alcoholic.
Praying to a God she never believed in to stop it.
Hasn't eaten in weeks, drinks water by the heaps.
Now she looks like the skeleton she sees in her closet.
So close to death she can taste it, body looks wasted.
Hates life, hates you, hates the way she looks naked.
Now she's feeling drowsy, lousy,
thinking maybe this world's better off without me

I'm so sorry for all that I've done,

I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.
I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.

-Someone I once knew,  Dead Celebrity Status