Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Can anyone see that I'm very unhappy?

Owww my stomach hurts so bad :( But just the fact that I got my period, means I failed. Once again. I had a horrible day in every way. I was so fucking tired, did extremely bad on my english test, looked like shit.. I hate myself so much. I just ate 2 nectarines and a small omelette. I have my dancing lesson at 6.30pm, but I'm having a little hard time there because of the cramps I get, especially on my legs :/ 
Me and mum have been arguing quite a lot, and now I should be studying for my other tests but most of the time it feels pointless cause no matter how hard I try, I still don't do well. I don't even wanna live so whats the fucking point of working so hard for my future? I feel everything slipping away.. Like I'm not really here. At least I wish I wasn't. Now I just eat because I want the pain to stop it's some kind of a reflex. I have to stop because it doesn't help. Maybe I need to take some painkillers before I go to my dancing lesson otherwise I won't be able to do anything :/ So this post is definitely dedicated to all the girls out there on their periods, I feel your pain<3
Didn't wanna take pictures of myself I'm so bloated..



  1. Periods are the worst. And having a period does not make you a failure in the least! Good luck with your dance class. What kind do you take?

    1. I just want them to stop that means I'm on the right track :)And having my period at the same time as all of my exams is not the best possible scenario :D On wednesdays I have ballet, which I started again and on saturdays I have street dance(= Do you have any hobbies?

  2. Periods must be contagious cause I just got mine too. :( So I guess we can be failures together. But I do warn you, having your nails crumble and your hair fall out is not fun, and for me at least, when I lost my period I started losing my hair.
    I've always wanted to do ballet so bad, it just hasn't been an option for me. I also really want to do contemporary, but that too is not offered where I live.
    I take polynesian dance (hula, tahitian, moari, poi, and I just started taking some samoan). I'm also a violin and violist so that keeps me pretty busy. I also like to paint (but I'm not good at all).

    1. I've lost my period once before too.. I'm taking like ten different vitamins a day so i wouldn't lose my hair :D
      Polynesian dance sounds like fun! and I've always wanted to learn to play the violin, but guitar aswell, and that's what I chose to take on at the end of the day :) I'm sure you're be good at painting, you probably just don't see that yourself! passion is what counts and you always get better when you practise :) I like to draw and design clothes every now and then too(=
