Wednesday, August 8, 2012

When the cracks begin to show

I can't believe I have to go back to school in just 2 days :/ That's going to break me for sure..
Yesterday was pretty good though I purged what I ate in the afternoon. 

a few pieces of chocolate
two slices of dark bread with salmon
one slice of toast
half a fruit smoothie
one cup of coffee

I'm afraid I'm gonna have my period anytime soon :/
They always hurt more when I get thinner..

My head is so messed up. What if I don't fit in anymore at school? I have a lot of friends there, but what if? :( I'm like a kid who's starting their first schoolyear ever...
I want to cut again, but I don't really like doing that, cause it's not worth it after all. You just have to hide your arms or wherever you cut. I've cut on my legs too but it doesn't show so it won't be there reminding me like if i'd done it on my arm.
 These ones I did on my leg a long time ago. I'm glad they healed so well
because they bled quite a lot.

I watched that movie atonement yesterday and I loved it! My thoughts are so disassembled as you can see looking at this text :D shit I must be going crazy..

 55.0Kgs, lost a pound

 I kinda like this hair after all :)

Hope you lovelies can keep it together better than I can



  1. sulla on täydellinen kroppa! ja oot muutenkin täydellinen juuri noin.

  2. Anonyymi- kiitos :) piristit mun päivää. Oikeestaan kuka vaan vois sanoa noin mulle mutta sillä ei oo merkitystä koska oon jotenki niin koukussa tähän paskaan mikä tappaa mua sisältäpäin. Varsinainen tukholma-syndrooma (=
