Friday, January 25, 2013

The Truth Is So Complicated

So, the fact of the matter is that I can't purge the way I used to anymore. Anyhow I found out that the food comes up by itself so I basically just have to tense my abs and spit it out. How convenient.. and discusting. I went all the way up to 50 and now I'm back at 48, thank god. This morning my mum made me go up on the scale, but I cheated so it showed 50.5 and I don't think she's suspicious anymore :) Things are going pretty well atm but just wait till the exam week begins.. What comes to binging I made almost like a one-eighty and just stopped. You know I used to binge often and a lot, but now I barely binge with a piece of bread. Damn, couldn't get out all the broccoli I ate.. I really wanna dye my hair dark again for some reason but anyway, the dance lessons for prom ended and I hardly see my partner, nevermind talking to him and whatever, I don't even know what I want from him maybe we'll be better off as the "friends" we are now. Btw, how the hell do I lose my elephant thighs?? They're gross..See for yourselves.
 Bye bye beauties<3



  1. i think you look great... i'm 173 cm tall, and somewhat 45 kg at the moment and a lot, i mean, A LOT, bigger than you are. you have a perfectly toned stomach. i envy you.

  2. You look great! Your ribs are so sharp and clear.

    I'm Allison btw:)

    1. Aww thank you =) I feel like a piece of fat though..
      Quickly checked out your blog, hang in there(:
