Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Silly Girl, Nobody Cares 'Till You Die..

Hello beauties, I hope you're well :)
I'm awfully tired and I have a million things to do.. I was extraordinarily ugly at school today and I felt like everyone was looking at me and judging. I have a ballet class today but it's been over 2 weeks since I was there last and my anxiety keeps growing. I'm so out of place in the middle of those skinny, beautiful, graceful girls. I'm so clumsy you wouldn't believe it. I'm starting to think, what the hell am I doing there anyway.. I'm all out of energy already and I haven't really even done anything. Guess mum's right, I am a total lazy piece of shit.
Well I haven't talked to X much.. The last time our conversation ended when I told him to have a good life and he was like: Don't do this now...
I know I would be so much better off without him, but I can't seem to let go. What the hell is wrong with me? Besides everything about me..
It's good not seeing him every day anymore, but I have absolutely no idea what's gonna happen with prom :/ Idk if I'm even doing it anymore. The whole mess just left a bad taste in my mouth.
God I just wish I was someone else..





  1. lovely, i bet you're just as pretty as the rest of the girls in your ballet class, don't be too tough on yourself xx

    1. thank you for the encouragement(= xx

    2. oho taidatkin olla ihan suomalainen :) oonpas hölmö, mutta tervetuloa lukijaksi joka tapauksessa =)

  2. his loss
    you are not shit
    you are thin!
    love u always

    1. aww you always make me feel better<3 I don't feel thin.. ate way too much yesterday :( Love you too, hope you're better now! xx

    2. dw about me !
      i worry about you i have to look out for my lil sis!
      your pics prove u are thin!
      this nasty illness make you not see it!
      take care of yourself beautiful
      love you

    3. And I have to look out for my not big, but older sister ;)
      I'll try and you take care of yourself too!
      love you sis xx

  3. I'm sure you are beautiful inside and out

    Sending you love x

    1. same goes to you! Thanks for the support <3 xx

  4. I think we all have wished we were someone else. Sending you love </3 You can do this, you can get through this.

    1. At least I'm gonna make myself the closest I can to good enough so I can live with myself for a little bit longer. I want to make something out of me otherwise this has all been in vain.. Love you<3 You can do this too!
