Saturday, November 17, 2012

I've taken the darker way

Sweet lips, intoxicating
Sultry eyes that stare, waiting
To lure the hungry heart
Into a deadly trap

Innocent and pure, it seems

On both of us the shadow feeds
Perverted are its needs
But it seems we have no choice

Sweet eyes, so warm

So pure, the love they offer
Still free of all the filth
That turns hearts into debris

If love must fail

Then lust sure will prevail
And when both fall
Hate will conquer all

If I can't give, I'll take

Accept this fate, be fueled by my hate
At least I know
It's always there for me

I fear no death

No foe can ever match me
Yet you could break me leaving only confusion

Sweet eyes, once pure

Just like the love they offered
Now stay devoted to the path of seduction

Made up your mind

Held back the warmth in your eyes
Are you prepared?
This road might be your destruction

My flesh, my heart

My soul adorned by a scar
They're still all mine until my dying day

I've crossed the line

It is too late for me now
You did me in, I've taken the darker way

I'm so tired and yesterday was terrible.. I ate and purged like idk how many times..
My stomach is raw and it hurts, but afterall it was worth it. Now I weigh 50,5 =)
I'm thinking how great it would be to fall into a coma and maybe wake up later and remember nothing about my past life. Start over, cause I think now I'm cursed to think about my eating the rest of my life. Hating myself. I'm settled on my deadline of 25 years of this life. That means I've got 8 years left.. I want to be free. Maybe I'll be free in death.
This one guy I barely know decided he wants to help me cause he knows I'm troubled. I don't like the idea. He says he just wants to find some humanity in me, but he's doing the exact opposite I think. I'm frustrated and anxious about him trying to help me and I have absolutely no idea why he'd want to do that anyway. It's hard for me to imagine that anyone would like me, but if he does, he's gonna be really disappointed when he realises I'm playing with him like I always do. Don't think I haven't warned him though.. I'm a total monster. My heart can't be broken into any smaller pieces so I torture other people. Really I just want to stay away from all of them, but if they try to get close.... Well then they basically ask for it, to be hurt and pushed away. I love playing mind games. To be honest, the boy doesn't stand a chance. I don't trust anyone anymore and that's what keeps me alive at the end of the day, because it would kill me to get hurt again like how I've gotten hurt before.
I shouldn't be alive. If there's a god, please just take me away..

Who am I now?


  1. you are not a monster!
    i think u have BPD i have it and i can relate to a lot of the ways u deal with relationships
    there is a lovely beautiful girl in finland
    she is the most precious friend ive ever had
    dont u dare go anywhere!

    1. mg I didn't even know about BPD! I just took a test and I think I have it too, you were right. One more thing to proof I'm crazy.. not that you would be but I seriously think there's not much sense left in me.. :/ I'm not sure how you do it but again your comment made me feel better! You are so prescious to me too! And you're my one and only sister, I'm not letting go of you <3 You can't leave either! I'm always here for you even though it might take me a while to go on my computer and read comments and everything.. I am here I'm just so lost and everything seems to need so much effort these days.. :/ I'm sorry honey I love you xx

  2. I love your poem, it was something so relatable to me. I wish I could give you a hug right now. Purging is no fun, I always lose my voice after doing it too much in one day.
    Maybe in the next 8 years things will turn around for you. I hope so. I hope they turn around for both of us. I can't tell you how often I have begged God for death. But I'm here today, and I'm not sure why.

    I'm sorry for disappearing, I didn't want to leave, and now I really am lost without my blog. I want to write so badly, but I am afraid to. My thoughts and inner self have been exploited to my whole family. A family that believes I am not only crazy but a liar. Reading my blog didn't help with that. To my horror they had been reading for quite a while. Not just my mom, but my dad and probably a few of my older siblings.
    I plan to start a new blog when I feel safe enough, right now I'm too scared. Things are terrible at home and my outlet and support group are now out of reach to me. I will hold on though, this too shall pass.
    I miss my blog, and yes, it has helped me. When things were too heavy to bare, just writing it out and receiving comfort from people who understand was what I needed.
    I will miss you, but in the meanwhile, I'm not going to stop reading your lovely blog. </3

    1. Oh no honey! how did they find out?! I feel so bad :( this is so intimate stuff we write about and nobody we know is supposed to read.. I haven't been blogging much either I'm super busy and tired mixed together and I just don't know how to keep my life together. I wish I could give you a hug too <3 Hang in there! It's terrible that you have to be scared about letting your feelings out and be disconnected from people who really care :( I sure do <3 I wish it was better for you. xx
