Thursday, November 15, 2012

And you give yourself away..

I deleted X from my facebook friends.. Kinda childish but it was just too disturbing to see him on the chat every time I log in.. He's not going to be my partner at our school dance, he's too busy with school. Well anyway I got a new partner the same day he cancelled so.. Whatever. I just want him out of my life :/  Took quite a lot of concerta cause we had our music performance in front of our whole school today.. I was scared to death but by the time we were on stage I was relaxed enough and it went well I think :) How are you people?? I've been so busy with hating myself, purging and all the things we have to do for school that I haven't posted for days.. I already miss you guys </3 
I've lost too many people in too short time, the smallest things effect me so thatI just want to cry and I hate it.. Especially at school. I'm can't seriously be this weak :( I'm glad to say that I don't think many people hate me atm though.. 
I don't know what to say my head feels so empty and my life is basically based on my daily routines but I don't feel alive at all anymore. I'm just here.. you know?
Dead inside, but breathing..








  1. Replies
    1. I wish all this shit would just stop, for all of us. stay strong<3

  2. Not childish at all. If you want him out of your life then deleting him from Facebook is a good first step. You don't need to be reminded about him every time you go on it.

    I've lost too many people too. I understand how it feels too well. It comes in waves, anger, crying, numbness, repeat.

    Hang in there <3

    1. exactly what I thought, but still I feel so stupid and I don't think he actually even gives a shit..
      Oh honey I wish we wouldn't have to go through this :(
      love u<3 stay strong
