Sunday, June 2, 2013

Across the riverbend

I'm tired.. These allergies are killing me :( I can't believe it that when I wanted to see X I never did but now that I don't want to ever have him near me again, I just saw him on friday.. I was just talking with his friend for a while so it was'nt bad at all but I just felt like.. well bad. If there's a guy or whoever upstairs, I just would really like to know if they're ever gonna cut me any slack, haha. I should already start studying for my finals but atm I'm working too and i don't have any energy. I'll have to pull myself together soon as possible. EDwise my life is quite easy, thank god. No one suspects anything and I have my routines that keep me together most of the time but nothing ever saves me from my thoughts..
I've lost my faith in relationships cause it just feels like trying to force two indviduals close to each other when at their hearts they're just insurmountably concentrated on theirselves so they basicly reject each other. Water and oil.

Why don't you leave me alone,
or say you were wrong.
'Cause I don't wanna hide
I need the tears inside to dry

 You make it look like I'm the crazy one here..



1 comment:

  1. Relationships are so complicated :/ I'm dating a guy who lives almost 200 miles away. He cheated me at the first days of our relationship with two girl, and even strangled the other one, but still I forgive him, and I know that our thing isn't going to end well..

    Keep strong hun, maybe one day we'll both have a perfect guy.
    No, it's not true, guys aren't perfect, anyone. And who'd look a girl like me?

    We don't need guys, they just mess with us!
