Monday, October 8, 2012

Fragile bird

DON'T EAT DON'T EAT DON'T YOU FUCKING EAT! How can it be this difficult? I need to be thin. There's simply nothing else to fight for anymore.. I feel so lazy :( I don't have friends. This saturday I'm going to a party at a rented cabin in the coutryside and it's gonna be a good place to get totally fucked up and just disappear into the crowd. X may be there I'm not sure how to feel about that but on the other hand he may not come so I shouldn't think about the whole this beforehand.
It's just that what if he won't even come near me, or will we do something stupid again. In that case I should probably say no but I kinda want that and I miss that asshole.. :( Why do I keep doing this to myself? I'm a sick messed up girl why would anyone ever care about me. And wow there are already 10 ppl following, love you<3(: Just wondering why you'd care either.


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