Wednesday, July 3, 2013

No relief

Fuck me. All I can do is binge and purge.. I'd probably be getting my period if that was possible cause this always happened before getting my period. I felt so sick today I actually just went to bed but couldn't sleep. My dad's drinking again tonight and I can't believe how stupid that makes him. I hate this place! I need to get away 
I'm no sure at all how I'm gonna make it through one more year.. 
How is it possible that I don't hate X after all he's done to me? I keep seeing him around and that just sucks. Apparently he's told everyone we had sex, I mean, what the fuck? He said "let's not tell anyone". That made me feel worthless as shit and my first thought was obviously that he was embarassed of doing it with me. Then after all this time I find out that a lot of people know about that and that he's told them. What the fuck? Now it just makes me feel cheap. I hate him. I wish I did anyway..  
Don't even have that much strenght in me to hate him, pathetic. 
The number on the scale was 44.1. So what? It doesn't make me happy it's just a fucking illusion. It makes me even more wacky trying to stay there and I'm so desperate that's all I can think about anymore and I keep losing weight unintentionally. The real question is, 
how long can I keep doing this?
(6) text | Tumblr 

 I need it, I crave it, I want it so bad..


 Please can I die now? | via Tumblr

Wall Photos 

 summer | via Tumblr

xxames | via Tumblr

I just feel so bad..
I want to live again.
But I guess I'm just not made for that.
This is only going to end when I'm no longer able to change myself for the better.
It will end when I die.



  1. :/ tuntuu niin pahalt sun puolest. Oot niin täydellinen nyt, mut et tyytyväinen, tai onnellinen. Ja unoha se tyyppi, mitä hyvää se on sulle tehny?
    Koita jaksaa <3

    1. Mun ongelmat on niin naurettavia et ei voi olla totta :D mut nii en tiiä.. Se sai mut nauramaan :/ Samoin <3

  2. sweetie hes a jerk he wishes he still had you which is why hes spreading nasty rumour trying to get ur attention but u no what fuck him your so much better than that!
    love you keep ur chin up beautiful xxxx

    1. I can't wait to get away from this shit-hole town I live in. I need to leave everything behind especially him..
      Thank you, love you sis you're the best xx
